Czernowitz BMD Index Database
by the Czernowitz-L Volunteer Group
Last update: July 20, 2017 and has 142.363 records
This may be because the way you are searching (exactly, contains, starts with, etc.) Try searching more openly, like writing only 3 or 4 letters of the name and then select "contains" (many records have 2 last names and if you search "exact" you will not find them) or use only the "Given Name" to start your search. Another reason may be because we haven’t finish transcribe all the records so your names may still be in the process and the best way to get your records is to help us transcribe.
This project is great! I found my grandfather and his brothers and sisters, their cousins and more (so far 18 members of the family!)
Jeanette R Rosenberg
I just recently discovered that my mother’s paternal grandparents came from Czernowitz. This led me to look for information about Czernowitz and I came across the site. Imagine my shock when I immediately found records for younger siblings of my great-grandmother who were born in 1878-1883 in Czernowitz. I already knew of these siblings from U.S. census records. These birth records took me back two generations because I now know the names of both of my ggm’s parents as well as the names of her mother’s parents. I’ve been researching my many families for years, but this is the first time I found records that took me back so far and it’s the first time I have had success with records found in Europe.
Charna Duchanov
I had a suspicion my great grandfather, who married and raised children in Iasi Romania, was originally from Czernowitz, but I had no evidence. That suspicion is now supported by information about the birth of his younger twin siblings in Czernowitz in 1879 that I discovered in the BMD Czernowitz database. While it doesn't prove that he was born in Czernowitz, it does prove that the family lived there at the time he was a young man. I appreciate all the work that went into making this data so readily available.
Richard Gross
The Czernowitz BMD website has been so helpful! After I traced my Weisinger family to Czernowitz starting in 1907 by finding manifests for my grandfather Morris and his mother Malka Kligler Weisinger . I then began looking for my great grandfather, Zallel, who did not come over to the US with Malka so I knew he must have died in Cz. By looking at the 1909 and 1914 homeowner records on the site I found Zallel and his address which confirms he was there! Now I am trying to find his headstone and other records. Thanks so much to all of you transcribing this info for us all to use.
Caryn Weisinger Wariner
You have done a great Mitzvah. My mother is a 90 y/o holocaust survivor. She found herself with the right date. She always claimed she's a year younger than the Romanians wrote her :) and those of her brother-a holocaust victim and her late sister. It is of great comfort to her. With grreat gratitude and appreciation
Thanks to this wonderful database I was able to easily identify and obtain the Feb. 1924 death record of my mother's first cousin. Many thanks to Daniel Horowitz and all the volunteers involved with creating the Czernowitz database.
Renee Stern Steinig